Sports Ministry
Sports are a huge area of interest here for the local boys and young men. We live on a small island where there is not very much to do. Sports are one of the few healthy outlets available. Basketball is the sport of choice, but there are also many people who play soccer, cricket, and softball. We also have a huge number of tri-athletes living here! There are many marathons, triathlons, or races held every year. Sports are a universal thing that can easily break the walls that exist between cultures. Through sports we have a huge opportunity to reach those who would never step foot in a church. We need more people with a gifting and heart for sports to come play with, evangelize, and disciple the young men and athletes of our community.
The heartbeat of this ministry is to be a safe place for these young people to play the sports they love in a neutral zone, and to show God's love through our own lives and conversation. Many of them are coming from broken homes or difficult personal situations. We see the need to establish trust and build relationships with these men as a foundation for discipleship. As we are being Godly role models, it is our prayer that they will see Jesus in us, and be drawn into a loving relationship with Him.

We host pickup basketball games on our full-length court two days a week from around 4:00-7:00pm. On average, there are usually around 20 guys from surrounding neighborhoods that come join us. Their ages range from about 14-30 years old.

In the spring of 2014 we converted our sand court to a grass court. We now a have a beautiful playing surface that it all ready to go! We hope this will create even more opportunity for the Lord to open doors for us to minister in our community, and expand our sports ministry. We are not sure yet how this will look in the future, but until then our staff, teams, and the kids we work with are enjoying it!