Summer Camps
A Children & Youth Discipleship Program
Mission Statement:
We believe that children, preteens and teenagers have a God-given destiny and spiritual capacity. Youth with a Mission seeks to lead children and youth into a proven knowledge of God, bring God joy, and together make God known to all peoples.

2022 Camp Dates
Ages 13-16: July 11-15
Cost: $50
Ages 10-12: July 18-22
Why We Do What We Do.
Our desire is to help children and youth develop a strong Christian foundation that will stabilize them as they grow and build on it for the rest of their lives. A child's worldview is formed by the age of 14, so it is imperative that a child is taught biblical truths from a very young age. We believe that our children and youth have the same spiritual capacity as an adult, and that by "watering down" the bible for them we are doing them a disservice. Children's ministry is all about discipling youth so that they can go out and live Godly lives, have a firm foundation, and to become leaders in their generation. Some kids come in with a strong relationship already, and we just help them to continue growing, for others it is starting at the beginning. We do this all as a family, recognizing that we are all growing and learning.
Our summer programs aim to get the participants to think about their faith and beliefs. To challenge them and make them think about why they believe what they do. Is it because they were told so? It is because the bible said so? Society? We want them to walk away with a personal Faith and relationship with God that is based on the Bible and God's character. Not just because it is something that their parents/church believe; but as something that they have taken ahold of for themselves. It also provides opportunity for those kids who do not currently have a relationship with the Lord, but come to see their need for it. Within a safe atmosphere they are able to grow and learn in community as they begin their new journey.
Sponsor A Child
Interested in sponsoring a child this summer? We try to keep each camp affordable, but even so there are still many kids and families that are not able to pay the full camp costs. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us and being a part of impacting kids’ lives and hearts?
Each year we set up a scholarship fund for those who need financial assistance. In order to cover this and the cost of craft supplies we are needing approximately $1,000.
Financial support can be given through individual scholarships ($25 or $50) or through a general lump sum (any other amount)
** If making an online donation, please add “camps” as the memo.**
**Checks can be mailed to 4030 Diamond Ruby, Christiansted, VI 00820 with a note attached saying it is designated for camps **