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General information: info@ywamstcroix.org
Volunteer or Vacation With a Purpose Inquiries: info@ywamstcroix.org
Team Inquiries: teams@ywamstcroix.org
Children & Youth Ministries: ministries@ywamstcroix.org
DTS Info & Inquiries: ministries@ywamstcroix.org
Donations & Accounting: accounting@ywamstcroix.org
Mailing Address:
Youth With A Mission
4030 Diamond Ruby
Christiansted, VI 00820
Tel: 1-340-778 7373
Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is an international movement of Christians from all denominations dedicated to serving Jesus Christ throughout the world. We embrace the call that we have been given
“To know God and make Him known.”
The various ministries of YWAM fit into three main categories: evangelism, training, and mercy ministry. Today YWAM operates in more than 1,200 locations in over 170 nations, with a full-time (self-supported) staff of over 18,000 worldwide!